SYSTEM STATUS: Updated 08-10-2023 @ 03:20:07 GMT

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Welcome to N8CIA's Ham Radio Callsign Lookup. This page is optimized primarily for modern mobile devices, like the iPhone, or computers with very low bandwidth who want a quick way to lookup U.S. Callsigns.

If you want to access this site via SSH/Text Console on a Linux type OS, type in lynx or links  You may have to install the links or lynx text browser for it to work.

Common Lookups


Name or Callsign (partials allowed)
Name, Call, City, State, ZIP & Old Call NEW! DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) ID Lookup
Get your DMR ID @!

Other Misc. Queries

State/City Drilldown Search
# Hams by license class
# HAMs by State/Territory
100 Most common HAM first names
100 Most common HAM last names
100 Most populous HAM cities
100 Most populous HAM zip codes w/ city
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